Friday, December 3, 2010

Member profile 2: Amit

Today we are profiling Cripton’s Process Manager, Amit- the almighty superman and Mr. Cool. Despite his crucial role and responsibility, the presence of Process Manager is not recognized much as compared to other functions (such as transcribers or customer care). We discover in this topic what his role in Cripton is, how he processes client job, and whatever he feels at this work.

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He’s one of the most dedicated and reliable members in Cripton team. Call him asking for help, and he comes and solves your problem without fail. People call him Mr. Cool, as he never ever gets upset in any tight situation and amid other member’s panic. He’s also well-known for multitask-taker; from medical transcription, computer-related task solving to agile communication with vendors/freelancers all over the world.

Here’s the interview detail….

1. We Criptonites all know that you are multi-tasker. List down what you do in this role, just to name a few.

It all starts with getting a job enquiry. The complicated ones/special requests come to me at enquiry stage. Once client has uploaded to our server (or any other third party server) I get it downloaded. The duration mailer sent to Customer Service. Then job gets confirmed with a fixed TAT. Now, here I allocate it to a transcriber who can complete it on time with quality. Once the transcript is ready, I inform the Editor PM and then Editor PM does the editing allocation and delivers it to the Customer Service.

We accept all kinds of audio/video format. Usually, we convert them to mp3. Now, we have software, which plays the video files smoothly. Sometimes we are required to record from online streaming when it’s impossible to download. I always recommend uploading to our server because the audio quality goes down with recording online videos/audios. At times, our clients upload to a Japanese server where we get stuck and ask Customer Service (Japanese) to help us out understanding the Japanese text on the Japanese third-party server.

Now, Merwyn (Process Coordinator) takes care of the job uploading/transcript downloading and since last month he has also started generating freelancers’ invoices and sending them out. Earlier I was the only contact point. I am still involved in decision making and freelancer queries.

Apart from this role, I also coordinate Narration jobs. Wherein, I accept the job from Customer Service. I allocate to client’s preferred narrator. Receive the audio from the narrator. Check it with the client’s script. Finally upload it our server and provide link to Customer Service.

Service development is another area where I am required to contribute.

2. That’s quite a lot. Also I know that you are a major communication nodal point in our team, even though you are not known to our Japanese clients. How do you handle it and any difficulties in it ?

There are difficulties when I am not able to pass on the correct message. There is a high risk of confusing the person at the other end. So, I provide only required information without making it fancy. Regarding different time zones, yes it’s difficult to remember more than one time zone but now I am quite familiar with JST (Japan Standard Time).

3. Who are the person (or the role) you closely work within our team?

I closely work with Customer Service (Satomi) & Editor PM (Chandru) & Process Coordinator (Merwyn).

4. How can you manage so many multi tasks at a hand? Any trick on it?

There is no trick. I try to close tasks as fast as possible and move to the next one. I still have a long way to become a very good multi-tasker. There are many different ways but it ultimately depends upon the urgency on your mind. Of course, I try to be as accurate as possible given the timeframe.

5. When you think about most memorable events/happenings during your stint in Cripton, what comes 1st in your mind?

I really liked the recent activity where we decorated our Cripton Bay. The best part was the teamwork. Everyone from the team was actively involved in it.

6. You’ve got a new SONY laptop recently. Has it changed your life so far?

To certain extent, yes. I am quite excited and want to contribute more and more towards my work. New technology fascinates me!


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